Sunday, March 28, 2010

Ticket to Vegas!

Today we had lunch at mama's and booked our plane tickets to Vegas!! I am so excited! We are going the last week in June and visiting my cousin Jennifer, who I haven't seen in years! I'm so excited! 90 days until we leave!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Ear Infection

Today I took Jackson back to the doctor for them to re-check his throat. His tonsil was still a little swollen. He said it looked ok but he had an ear infection in both ears! He gave us another prescription. On the way home, Jackson said he wanted some medicine and I had already given him the antibiotic as soon as we picked it up from the drug store, so I said "Do you want some Tylenol for your ears?" and he looked at me with the strangest look and said "No!! I want some for my mouth!" haha he is so funny to me!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Uncle Kissy

Today after I picked up Jackson, we ran to mama's for a few minutes. When we pulled up, I rolled Jackson's window down because Tyler was in the yard. Tyler walked up to the window and Jackson said "HEY KISSY!!" hahaha Tyler and I died laughing.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Today, mama and Aunt Norma took Jackson with them to Goldsboro to visit Papa Seymour's sister Pearl. She had fell and broke her arm and was having to stay in a rehab facility. They had a nice visit, and they said he was a good boy (like either one of them would tell me otherwise!) He came home with a happy meal and a sweet tea, so he was tickled to death!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The student becomes the teacher

So, today went Jackson and I got home, he was playing with his new grill. I got over close to him and he said "Don't touch my grill mommy." I immediately thought he was being selfish and went into a long speech about how you have to share, blah, blah, blah. He put down his tongs and walked over to me and put his little hand on my arm and said "Jon Jon, I say don't touch my grill because it's hot. It might burn you." I felt so bad! Bless his sweet little heart! I could eat him up!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Samantha's last day

I had today off, so Jackson and I got up and headed to Ayden to pick-up Ritchie's paycheck and to get my windshield in my truck replaced. One of the girls I work with, Sam, came and picked me and Jackson up from the window place and we went to lunch at Chili's with a group of people from the office. We had such a great time laughing and talking and stayed at lunch for over 2 hours! Sam is leaving us for another office but I know we will still be seeing alot of her (especially since we are both convinced that we will one day be in-laws hehe.) Jackson was the only child at lunch with about 10 women and he was soooo good. I almost couldn't believe it. He sat in his high-chair and ate and didn't ask for a thing. After we left, I took him to Target to pick out a prize for being so good. He got markers and a drawing pad, and a soccer ball. We had an awesome day!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Strep Throat

Today, we were eating lunch and Jackson leaned his head back while he was laughing and I saw that one of his tonsils was HUGE! He wasn't running a fever, but he had been a little irritable the past few days, so I took him to med direct. After about a 2 1/2 hour wait, they diagnosed him with Strep Throat. They gave him a prescription for Zithromax and right now, he is just loving the fact that he gets to take medicince a few times a day. That child does love to take medicine! Hopefully my little man will be back to his old self really soon.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

My little stud muffin

We actually were ready for church this morning about 30 minutes early (which never happens,) so I took Jackson outside to take a couple pictures. He is getting so big. He really thought he was something all dressed up, especially with his tie on.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Busy Friday

This morning I had a continuing education class at Wake AHEC. It was sooo good! Usually I doodle or read a magazine or text constantly in these classes, but I was so interested in this class. It was about "Meth Mouth" and how HPV can lead to oral cancer. Did yall know that 95% of all cervical cancer is caused by STD's??? I was shocked at this fact.

After my class, I went to crabtree. I didn't hardly know what to do with 3 hours at a mall all by myself. It seemed really weird! And do you know that in the whole entire mall I couldn't find a single pair of heels that were exactly what I was looking for...

After that I stopped in Clayton on the way home to see my friend Paula. She had a little boy, Jayden, on New Year's Eve. He is so cute and teeny! It was so good to see them both. I came straight home and announced that I was getting pregnant. That is until tomorrow when Jackson is buckwild and I say I am never having another one!

Friday, February 5, 2010

One Heck of a week

Ok, so before I scalped my child's head the other night, I got home and Ritchie's mom was leaving to go to greenville. She said she had taken some pork chops out and they were in the sink, could I cook them? I said "Sure!" So after she left, I called Ritchie in a panic. Doesn't she know I can't cook?? So I asked him what to do with them. He said to cook them on the grill. I proceded to inform him that I have no idea how to even light the grill and that there was a freakin foot of snow outside. His next piece of advice was to fry them. How hard could that be right?? That's what I thought

So Jackson helped me and we covered them with flour, well as soon as I put them in the frying pan the flour kind of like dissolved, but we ate them anyway. They had a kinda sweet taste to them. Like I had put some kind of sweet sauce on them or something. Anyway, the next morning on the way to work, Ritchie called me. He said "You are the dumbest person I have ever met" and he was dying laughing. He asked me if I had used the container that was still out on the counter and I told him yes. He said "The reason they were so sweet, is because you coated them with powdered sugar!" Can yall believe I am really this bad at cooking? I mean really. I think I am going to leave it all to him like always!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A major Boo Boo

Tonight while we were eating dinner, Ritchie's dad was talking about Jackson's hair and how long it was. He said he looked like Eddie Munster with his long sideburns! Ritchie had said before that I should just cut his hair because last time we got it buzzed pretty short. So I thought, hey why not?? I asked Jackson if he wanted me to cut his hair and he said "Uh-Huh!!" So, I took him upstairs, sat him on a stool and made one streak up the back of his head with Ritchie's clippers. Ritchie wasn't home from work yet, so he couldn't tell me that there is supposed to be a guard on those things?? I mean, I've never cut anybody's hair before! So, I made one streak and BAM! my baby is bald. All that beautiful hair was gone. So here came the tears. Jackson was upset because he thought he had made me cry and all I could say is "What have I done?!?"

I called Ritchie's mom and she doctored it up for me. I couldn't bring myself to touch it anymore after that. So, it looks ok but he is for real a skin-head. Go ahead and tell me what a bad mother I am...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

House Hunting

So, we went to look at the house for rent on saturday and it was ok but it really needed alot of work. It was very outdated and no where I could really picure myself living. So...we're still here. Guess we'll keep looking. In the meantime I am getting really excited about our vacation time coming up in April. Can't decide where we want to go yet...Any suggestions? We were thinking about going either on a cruise or just flying to an all inclusive resort. We didn't really take much of a honeymoon so I guess we'll take it now.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


I can't believe that its been over 2 months since I last posted anything. I know I keep saying I will do better, but in reality, I probably won't. I haven't uploaded any pics in months and just realized that we didn't take any pictures of Jackson at all in November. That is really unlike me. I guess we just have alot going on. I think I only took like maybe 10 at Christmas. I hate to see what it's like if I ever have another kid.

So basically we are still living with Ritchie's parents. Don't get me wrong, I love them dearly, but I'm ready to get out. Beyond ready, and I'm sure they are ready for us to! It kind of sucks how things work out. Ritchie went for 7 months without a job and a month after he gets one our house sells, so we think ok cool, now we can start building on our land. So we go to the bank and since he is self employed now, we cannot use his income to get finaced to build until he has 2 years of tax returns at his current job. Great. So now we are homeless, with no where to go unless we build something soley based off of my income, which wouldn't be the house we wanted to stay in forever. So...we only have 2 options now, stay here for another year, or rent a house for a year. Needless to say we are going saturday to look at a house to rent. There's just not alot of houses to rent. I don't want to live in a I'll keep yall posted on how we like the house.

Jackson is growing like a weed. He's making me want to have another baby because all he says all day long is "Play with me." I almost wish he had a little brother or sister so he would have someone to play with and I could have a moments peace! He came home from daycare the other day and told me that a little boy in his class was smoking! I almost had a heart attack so I asked my aunt about it the next day when I picked him up and she started dying laughing! She said she had been giving one of the little boys in Jackson's room a breathing treatment! We thought it was hilarious. He is always coming up with something.

If I ever decide to walk my lazy butt to the car and get the camera and memory card out, I will add some pics but who knows how long that will take...