Thursday, January 14, 2010

House Hunting

So, we went to look at the house for rent on saturday and it was ok but it really needed alot of work. It was very outdated and no where I could really picure myself living. So...we're still here. Guess we'll keep looking. In the meantime I am getting really excited about our vacation time coming up in April. Can't decide where we want to go yet...Any suggestions? We were thinking about going either on a cruise or just flying to an all inclusive resort. We didn't really take much of a honeymoon so I guess we'll take it now.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


I can't believe that its been over 2 months since I last posted anything. I know I keep saying I will do better, but in reality, I probably won't. I haven't uploaded any pics in months and just realized that we didn't take any pictures of Jackson at all in November. That is really unlike me. I guess we just have alot going on. I think I only took like maybe 10 at Christmas. I hate to see what it's like if I ever have another kid.

So basically we are still living with Ritchie's parents. Don't get me wrong, I love them dearly, but I'm ready to get out. Beyond ready, and I'm sure they are ready for us to! It kind of sucks how things work out. Ritchie went for 7 months without a job and a month after he gets one our house sells, so we think ok cool, now we can start building on our land. So we go to the bank and since he is self employed now, we cannot use his income to get finaced to build until he has 2 years of tax returns at his current job. Great. So now we are homeless, with no where to go unless we build something soley based off of my income, which wouldn't be the house we wanted to stay in forever. So...we only have 2 options now, stay here for another year, or rent a house for a year. Needless to say we are going saturday to look at a house to rent. There's just not alot of houses to rent. I don't want to live in a I'll keep yall posted on how we like the house.

Jackson is growing like a weed. He's making me want to have another baby because all he says all day long is "Play with me." I almost wish he had a little brother or sister so he would have someone to play with and I could have a moments peace! He came home from daycare the other day and told me that a little boy in his class was smoking! I almost had a heart attack so I asked my aunt about it the next day when I picked him up and she started dying laughing! She said she had been giving one of the little boys in Jackson's room a breathing treatment! We thought it was hilarious. He is always coming up with something.

If I ever decide to walk my lazy butt to the car and get the camera and memory card out, I will add some pics but who knows how long that will take...